
World of warships musashi yamato difference
World of warships musashi yamato difference

world of warships musashi yamato difference

So what you're saying is, you'd want to have a downgraded ship to avoid a tier 10 premium at any cost? Why couldn't you accept a tier 10 ship? As I've said before, not every such ship has to be a usual "premium" ship (a.k.a. At high tiers having relatively weak (for a BB very weak) AA gunfire already equates as a massive downgrade, as it makes CVs specifically target it. The Yamato class only ever had 1 hull (as in no hull upgrade). I imagine WG made a huge amount of money with the 5k Perm camo. The only thing that still exists for high level skillful play are CVs to an extent as the skill disparity is so wide that even potatoes know not to take top tier CVs into battle as they get utterly facerolled. It's a low skilled camp fest where triple/quad caps happen probably 75% of all games and people simply sail into a distant camping spot then wait for points to tick down. It's over for any sort of high tier exclusivity. Seriously, it'll make no difference if there is a T10 bar or not. Better than making it available to any scrub with a thick enough wallet. At least this way, you can ensure that the potatoes have at least played long enough to get to T10 and have the patience to slog through the campaign. I mean, regardless of what kind of gating you apply to a reward ship, some extraordinarily determined potatoes will always find a way through the filter. Much like cockroaches, you can never eradicate potatoes completely, but at least you can take steps to cull their numbers.

World of warships musashi yamato difference